Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rules and Regulation (Reading 1.3)

There are many rules in regulation in this world. World is not complete without the rules and regulation. According to the oxford dictionary, rules are principle governing conduct or procedure within a particular sphere. According in this topic, there are rules in regulation in language. Without any elements of it, the writing will be dull and will over the limit and will be bias. This topic elaborated more about the rules in using of language.

Readers of such text are generally not aware and they are being coerced in this way and if there were aware, they would resist the controlling influences. The chapter will show about the text can control their readers. The article of rules and regulation will discuss about terms which is unfamiliar. The way we speak and write indicates the social circumstances of both speaker and writer. On the other word, language is a part of the rules and regulation. Language is allows us to manage our own behavior as well as influencing or controlling that the others. If the writer understands how a people in a particular social use language, then the writer may be able to use language to manipulate or control them.

 Declarative (page 28) : A statement which asserts something as a fact, as if the reader/listener can’t argue with it. Example include “The sky is blue”, or “I’m leaving now”.
 Imperative (page 28) : A sentence which is in the form of a command, like “Do this!” and “Say sorry”. This form of address assumes obedience by the reader/listener to the authority of the writer/speaker. It gives no room for disagreement. The greater the power of the writer/speaker over the reader/listener, the more direct the writer/speaker can be (page 28).

That is the parts of the elements in this chapter that makes the rules and regulation in language. It also will be the guided for the writer to use the appropriate language and skills in their writing. Furthermore, the writers can use their own power to condemn the readers to agree with their own points without break the rules. For an example, the critical issues nowadays is the writers behavoiur in the writing skills until spark the arguments between the police and the writer. For example Azwan Ali had been accused by law when he did not follow the rules or in other word the ethics in writing. It does not stop there, there are numerous of people who do such thing like that and what is the worse they humiliated aour Islam by critics our beloved Prophet Mohamad with the embarrassed characters of cartoon. Why this situation still happen although the rules and regulation already stated there. Open your mind and critically think about this.

Stories and Facts(Reading 1.2)

From the presentation of “3 Destiny’s Child” (Tiqa, Zila and Shyreen) about the reading 1.2 of Stories and Facts, we can figure out little bit about the topic. The great impact to me is when they said there differences between male and female in their writing skills. For an example, if there are man and woman who given the same task, the female will directly focusing on the topics but it is totally different from the male perception, they are more creative and relate it with an appropriate example outside the topics who had given. The style of writing can be recognize either they are male or female. There are many differences between stories and facts. For a example, stories can be manipulate or can add later but when it comes about the facts, it is totally different and can not add many others opinion in factual writing. In their opinion that they said the man in their writing skills they got lots of imagination rather than factual facts.

Do you know that nowadays there lots of writers but most of them are woman? Are they popular compare to the male writer? From my opinion there are not. Readers especially like to read the writing’s part from male description rather than female although they are female. From their presentation we can guess there are some biases in order to condemn the viewers to agree with their points. It can be because they are female and they agree with their statement but as a male, I strongly did not agree with them when they said male use lots of imagination and it does make the writing excellent. Basically they are many types of writing and not all female writers can conquer the readers and same goes to the male writers. Some of the readers love to read from female writers but they are numbers also who find the works of art from male also.


Critical Literacy, that was the name of my new subject in the new semester. Critically killing my mind at first when get exposed to the subject. At first it is totally hard to adapt the subject like the previous semester for an example Individual and Group Skills (IGS). Critical Literacy is a continuous study of General English from last semester, and this subject is quite tough for me because I need to critique on other’s writing, and it is confusing with the terms that the writer’s of the book used. Luckily, the coordinator provided study guide to be used and a really helping lecturer to guide me and she taught new things and helps to improve a lot of things during my presentation. Thanks a lot to her.
It is totally clear that critical thinking in Academic Studies 2 and 3 is very important in order to connect it and make it relevant. Luckily we had given with the great lecturer, Mrs. Rosmawati. She is very suitable for the subject because it needs a lot of open minded skills and it does not have to all lecturers. Hence, she is studying at abroad and does she can adapt any opinion and share her experience with us. After got an explanation from Madam Ros, we finally can figure out a little BIT about the subject.
Firstly, we get exposed with
1. Topic
2. Content
3. Source
4. Audience
5. Rhetorical function
6. Purpose
7. Perspective
8. Positioning
9. Impact and,
10. Visual literacy
This is the vivid part in order to critics the article perfectly. 10 elements is the major point in the critical literacy and it makes the article perfect. After got the explanation from all the important part in introduction, it makes me feel interested to learn more in this subject and makes it critically. Now the auras of English Communication almost reach at the peak when all the elements unite and will contribute a perfect generation of Decomerz. Beginning is fun; intermediate is climax and final will be the fun. Sweet memory of critical literacy.