Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Text and Textualities.(Reading 2.3)

This is the last group from first four group presentation for the first week presentation. Nad, Madi and Syamir who presented Reading 2.3 “Text and textualities . At first I really shocked when this group did not come out with any slide of power points and it was shocked me because from my experience with Nad nad Madi they will make something very serious and perfect and for Syamir o perhaps so. Every people did their mistake and we need to learn from mistake as well as me too.
They presented this topic very detail and make a long duration of explanation rather than others group, but their effort to make sure we understand is really important. Thanks for their efforts! Although they don’t have any slides, from their efforts it makes me understood what they are try to figure out. Madi and Nad, you are the best and perhaps the other members exactly will followed your attitude.
From their presentation, I can say that texts are always socially constructed to have certain meanings. From the text or advertisement, the readers can uncover attitudes and beliefs. The process for unpacking a text is particularly useful to show how text can encourage readers to favour one set of values and meanings rather than another.
Although it quite blurs and a little information set on my mind, I still confused with the topic. I totally agree if other students said this subject is really tuff and need lots of critical thinking in order to understand the article and how to spread it to the others. Hence, this group also did not come out with any critical issues or currents issues that related to the subject. Luckily these subjects do not have any final exam…thank GOD. Other than that, their presentation good and I can see their effort to make us were in their mind.

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