Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It will be the last group to do the presentations from the reading of Critical literacy. Time has began so fast until I did not realize that now it almost for my mid term break! I so excited to come home together with my families and do what I want there.
Back to our business, last group will presents about the topic “Metaphor” that presented by Farah, Fidah and Izzayati. Based from their presentation or explanations, I as the students and the viewers can adapt their skills of explanations to my life. For example, Fidah got a talent to become a teacher when her explanation really attract my attraction when she gives the full meaning if what is metaphor is all about. Metaphor plays a key role in enabling us to talk about and constructs the world and allows language users the flexibility to cope with rapidly changing circumstances. It is not merely a device occasionally employed by poet but facilities communications throughout the language.
The effects of metaphor in language on the readers and the interest and motivations which leads to the use of certain metaphors. It also included detailed analysis of the role of metaphor in the discourse associated with nuclear weapons or nukespeak.
Overall they have done their own part very good

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