Wednesday, February 25, 2009


There is another group that presented on the same day as Tenkujoh’s group. There are Liyana and Aqilah that presented about the Statistics. What make me funny about them is with both characteristic that almost the same. It become worst when Aqilah nervous before the presentation and need to go to toilet. Same goes to Liyana, after aqilah came in, she automatically stand up and went to the toilet.
Statistic got two meaning, first is refer the information about any phenomenon or activity expressed in numerical form such as vital statistics, college enrolment figures and opinion poll percentages. Another meaning for statistic is when it denotes the art and science of collecting, presenting, analyzing and interpreting numerical data. Liyana and Aqilah are the best pair woks ever after when both of them can work even though in hard situation. Aqilah knows her point and know how to deliver the presentation to make the viewers into their mind. From their presentation, it makes me like hit by dizzy spell when I heard about the topic itself “statistic” and it make me afraid if I need to learn the calculation or mathematics at diploma level. I don’t want to face it anymore….
They put very high effort to the presentation; instead of tend a high mark during presentation but also they tend to adapt the knowledge to their selves and also to the others. Overall, from their presentation, I totally love statistic until I can’t wait to take it for my degree level. From the reading, basically the statistic is been used in business term or business filed in order to present their profits. According to Shakespeare, just as the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose, people with vested interest may enforce figures to serve their ends. For instance, abound with misleading statistical statements and reports such as those which begin with “statistics prove that…..”.

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